29 de Agosto de 2019 -

How do I build rapport?

por Paula

Hello, my friend! How are you? If you're out of time or "in a rush", go to the last paragraph of this text for a fast answer.

In times of immediate responses and connection 24 hours a day, talking about long-term transformation is a risk! But… we believe you can (and must!) dream big, and make a daily effort to get better every day. This is our mission - seeing you speaking English and being a Leader wherever you go. "The 5 Essential People Skills" was written by Dale Carnegie and its goal is to improve your people skills. In other words, to improve your relationships at work and at home.

Today we start a new chapter called Assertive Rapport Building, where Dale Carnegie is teaching us how to build rapport with people. But first, what does "rapport" mean? The dictionary definition says "rapport is an emotional bond or friendly relationship based on mutual liking and trust, and a sense that wants, needs, and concerns are mutually understood". To build rapport, you must be proactive so you can enjoy its amazing outcomes.

"Developing a personal rapport will not only makes business dealings more fun but can also serve as the foundation for mutually beneficial interactions", Carnegie explains. It's interesting how his concepts are very obvious and, at the same time, neglected very often.

Assertiveness has nothing to do with passivity, and continuing to do what is comfortable can be a form of passivity. "When you first meet someone, don't take anything for granted. Realize that new acquaintances may know nothing about you, and you should not assume that you know anything about them". Follow the following tips to build rapport with people.

Ask open-ended questions, maintain eye contact and be a good listener. "Be positive in every respect and make a sincere attempt to discover shared values or common interests". If you want to build rapport with someone, "show you're glad to meet this exciting individual". Is smile important? We'll talk about it next class. Who's someone you always love to talk to? Comment here why you like this conversation and see you next class!

1. Rapport is the ___ you make with ___.

2. ___ people are often ___.

3. Real leadership is ___.

4. When you build ___ life is more ___.

5. Rapport is the ___ based on ___.

6. Dib says we ___.

7. Keep doing ___ things is a form of ___.

8. ___ to connect with people.

9. Find things ___ to build rapport and ___ to people you meet.

10. Next class we'll talk about the ___ of a ___.