04 de Octubre de 2019 -

4 questions to keep in mind…

por Paula

Hello, my friend! How are you? If you're out of time or "in a rush", go to the last paragraph of this text for a fast answer.

In times of immediate responses and connection 24 hours a day, talking about long-term transformation is a risk! But… we believe you can (and must!) dream big, and make a daily effort to get better every day. This is our mission - seeing you speaking English and being a Leader wherever you go. "The 5 Essential People Skills" was written by Dale Carnegie and its goal is to improve your people skills. In other words, to improve your relationships at work and at home.

In these pages Dale Carnegie shows that building rapport must be intentional and it's our job to measure our progress. "Building rapport is not different from any other endeavor". You should ask yourself 4 questions:

1- What do you want to accomplish?

2- How will you evaluate your progress?

3- How can you adjust your actions in line with your evaluations?

4- What can you do right now to get started?

When we answer these questions we start to see things more clearly. Dale says it's essential to have clear results in mind. "What you want is much more important than what you don't want, and whatever you may have intended, you need to look continually at the outcome of your actions to see whether you're on the right or the wrong track".

Take complete responsibility for your actions (and results!) and be flexible, my friend. "Based on all the points above, it should be clear that the person with the highest degree of flexibility will be the most effective communicator". How do you rate your communication skills? Is your father communicative? Comment here and see you next class!

1. When you build rapport, you must know what ___.

2. Focus on what ___.

3. After knowing what you want, you must ___.

4. The third question is about ___.

5. You should ___ the ___ for ___ actions and results.

6. The last question is about ___ to get started.

7. Carnegie says ___ is ___ the ___.

8. The more ___ you are, the more ___ you are in your communication.

9. Dib says Dale is teaching us to ___.

10. Next class we'll talk about ___.