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Irregular verbs see, read, go

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora 3 irregular verbs (verbos irregulares). See - saw (ver - vi). Read - read (ler - leí). Go - went (ir - fui). I saw my friend (yo vi mi amigo). I didn't see my friend (yo no vi mi amigo). Did I see my friend? (yo vi mi amigo?). You read every day (tú lees todo día). You read a book (tú leiste un libro). You didn't read a book (tú no leiste un libro). Did you read a book? (tú leiste un libro?). Go (ir). I went to Peru (yo fui a Peru). I didn't go to Peru (yo no fui a Peru). I went to Peru (yo fui a Peru). I didn't go to Peru (yo no fui a Peru). Did I go to Peru? (yo fui a Peru?). Go - went (ir - fui). Read - read (ler - leí). See - saw (ver - ví). I saw you (yo te ví). I went to the mall (yo fuí al centro comercial). I read a book (yo leí un libro). Do you understand? (tú comprendes?). Invent examples using "went", "saw" and "read" (inventa ejemplos usando "went", "saw" y "read"). Complete the exercises at (completa los ejercícios en el website). See you next class!

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